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Claudine Prévost


Claudine Prévost has been a household name in Québec Culture since the late 1990s. She made her debut on Flash, a TV series co-hosted by renowned duo Belle & Bum for 4 years, and helmed her own show on Musimax (the French language music video channel) for 8 years. In 2015, she co-hosted Stéréo Pop on ICI Radio-Canada Télé with Pierre Lapointe. A force unto her own in both music and the arts, Prévost hosted her 18th Industry Gala l’ADISQ in 2023. She’s co-hosted the televized Gemini Awards/Les Gémeaux and Gala Québec Cinéma red carpets for 5 years on ICI Radio-Canada. After 9 years at Montréal radio hitmaker CKOI, she joined RougeFM where she helmed two daily shows for Énergie. In addition to MC’ing children’s charity gala Opération Enfant Soleil for 14 years, for the past 2 years, Claudine is the anchor of two radio programs of her own on ICI Musique.