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Coalition of Quebec community organizations fighting AIDS.


The Coalition des organismes communautaires québécois de lutte contre le sida brings together more than thirty community organizations working to end HIV/AIDS in Quebec. The COCQ-SIDA's mission is to bring together Quebec community organizations involved in the fight against HIV/AIDS. The COCQ-SIDA exercises its leadership to encourage, support, consolidate and promote autonomous community action in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Quebec.

To fulfill this mission, the COCQ-SIDA works in a number of fields:

1. Training, to strengthen the capacities of community workers from member organizations, people living with HIV and various professionals working particularly in the health field;
2. Rights, with an advocacy program aimed at ending injustices against people living with HIV and key populations, as well as VIH Info-Droits, a free and anonymous legal information service for people living with HIV;
3. Community-based research, to meet needs in the field and generate knowledge for advocacy, among other things;
4. Access to healthcare, with Le Cercle Orange, for people living with HIV without access to health insurance;
5. Commitment to the UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets for 2030, with our Riposte communautaire québécoise au VIH/sida 2021-2025 and the Québec sans sida initiative;
6. Activism and advocacy.
7. Raising awareness among people living with HIV, key populations and the general public through various communication tools (leaflets, websites, social media, communication campaigns).