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Saad Fennich


Moroccan-born Saad Fennich moved to Québec in 2015, falling in love with the culture immediately. He leapt into the underground Montréal rave scene, co-founding events collective No Vibe Check. At the same time, Saad discovered the stand-up scene, seizing opportunities to present his bespoke mixture of humour, performance, and poetry. His unrivalled sense of repartee, charismatic stage presence, and fine-tuned sense of the topical earned him quick recognition.

Today, he hosts Les Mercredis au Jockey, with a residency at Montréal Cowork’s stand-up nights, and is a star of troupe Les Marocaineries. After just one year in the game of stand-up in Québec, Saad Fennich was hailed a “rising star” (étoile montante) by Just for Laughs.