00h00 to 12h00
Events (13)
- Cinema11 Revendications = 11 Courts métrages
- CommunityLes dessous de Fugues | Quebec Gay Archives
13h00 to 17h00
Les Archives gaies du Québec
- CommunityPanel : Art & HIV | Sidalys
16h00 to 18h00
Pavillon Tranquille - Le Réfectoire Accessible to people with reduced mobility.
- CommunitySaint-Michel in Colors BBQ | T'es mon genre | Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi Centre-Nord
16h00 to 20h00
Parc François-Perrault Accessible to people with reduced mobility.
- Art performanceLa Fierté dans le Village
16h00 to 20h00
Rue Sainte-Catherine Est Accessible to people with reduced mobility.
- Art performanceEntre nous : hommage aux arts martiaux
17h00 to 19h00
Esplanade Tranquille - Scène Loto-Québec Accessible to people with reduced mobility.
- Art exhibit40 ans : Fugues se souvient
17h00 to 23h00
Esplanade Tranquille Accessible to people with reduced mobility.
- CommunityPnP/chemsex: a spectrum of emotions - A photovoice exhibition | Cri de ralliement
18h00 to 20h00
Pavillon Tranquille - Le Réfectoire Accessible to people with reduced mobility.
- OthersPresentation of the Community Awards
19h00 to 20h00
Esplanade Tranquille - Scène Loto-Québec Accessible to people with reduced mobility.
- ShowLumière des Nations
19h00 to 22h00
Cinquième Salle Accessible to people with reduced mobility.
- LiteratureQueer Académie: The Finals | Literay Pride
20h00 to 21h15
Théâtre La Comédie de Montréal Accessible to people with reduced mobility.
- Drag showAfro drag
20h00 to 23h00
Esplanade Tranquille - Scène Loto-Québec Accessible to people with reduced mobility.
- PartySupernature Édition Fierté Montréal
22h00 to 03h00
Le Club Soda